Pinterest: Collecting & Organizing Happiness

21 SECRETS colleague and mixed media artist Debra Cooper recently introduced me the wonderful world of Pinterest, a social catalog site and community of virtual bulletin boards where you can organize and “pin” digital images of places, objects, people, and things you love and have interest in.  You can also follow boards and collections created by others who have styles and interests you like, as well “re-pin” images posted by community members on your own boards.  I’m already addicted!

Some of my boards

My first board was for a collection of Words.  I gathered quotes, phrases, and images through the site’s keyword search, as well as checked out what the Pinterest community and people I was following had pinned and re-pinned on some of their boards.  I also added the “Pin It” grabber to my toolbar to make it easy to get images anywhere on-line that I also wanted to collect.

As I began to create more boards, I started to notice how many of the images and objects I was pinning and curating into collections were associated with people, places, memories, and activities that make me really happy.  Lots of good stuff, good times, and good vibes. Containing all these things together in one place started to spark some kind of visual happiness.

I have also enjoyed the joyful curiousity and inspiration from looking at others’ boards and pins.  It’s been so much fun to follow Lani Gerity‘s pins and the cool finds she is collecting: art, portraits, dolls, places, and lots of chocolate!  I’ve also been keeping an eye on Debra’s boards which are full of color, design, artsy ideas, and textures.  Check them out!

Lani’s Board: Art Love
Debra’s Board: For Painted Papers

At this time, to join Pinterest you need to receive an invite. You can go to the Pinterest site to request an invite, but I am not sure if this involves some kind of wait list or what the turnaround time is to receive one. Pinterest community members can also send out a limited number of  invites as well.  If anyone is interested in receiving one of my invites (while supplies last!),  feel free to let me know in the comment/reply section of this post.

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Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC

Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC, ACTP: Registered Board Certified Art Therapist, TLC Certified Trauma Practitioner, Art Therapy Community Organizer, Artist...

14 thoughts on “Pinterest: Collecting & Organizing Happiness”

  1. Great post and I’d be happy to invite people after you use all your invites up! Now you must excuse me because I need my pinterest!!!

  2. hey i’m an art therapist in the Boston area. Heard about this app through linked in, would love to try it out… any chance u could send me an invite

  3. Hi Gretchen,

    This looks really interesting and useful, can you please send me an invite?



  4. hi Gretchen

    thought i’d asked about Pinterest, but it sounds great, if I havent could you invite me up there too?

    thanks looks pretty cool spot!

  5. hi gretchen! very lovely ideas and creation….! can you please share those ideas… i am very happy to have those stuff… its very creative! thanks, thanks…

  6. Sigh…another addiction… but i LOVED your trauma informed board!
    I requested an invite on the site- might have been better to ask you personally? It wouldn’t let me ‘like’ without it!

  7. Theresa– I just sent you an invite— I hope you get it OK! Pinterest does allow people to make requests for invites now, but I hear it takes them forever to process and getting one from someone is a lot quicker….. Have fun and enjoy!

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